MWF 12: Patrick Dykstra - Adventurer, Expedition Leader and BBC Blue Planet II Cinematographer

Inspirational story of how Patrick's passion for the blue whale lead him to become a cinematographer on the BBC's Blue Planet 2.


Connect with Patrick to keep up-to-date with his latest adventures:

Patrick Dykstra Facebook:
Picture Adventure Facebook:
Picture Adventure Expeditions Website:


Patrick was born in Denver, Colorado, USA. He studied at Florida State University and graduated summa cum laude with a degree in communications. He also attended law school at New York University, where he graduated with a juris doctorate degree after serving on the school’s prestigious law review publication.

Known for his willingness to take his camera into areas where others would prefer not to go, Patrick has captured fascinating images in Yemeni tribal areas, the heart of the Congo, Somaliland, and underneath Antarctic icebergs to name a few.

He recently finished filming for the BBC’s Blue Planet 2 and his work has been featured numerous times in National Geographic. His other clients include Emirates Airlines, the government of Djibouti, the government of Sri Lanka, Borderlands, and a host of other private individuals and companies.

Patrick was at the forefront of the exploration and documentation of the blue whales of Sri Lanka and the killer whale migration to Iceland and Norway. He is an avid skydiver, scuba diver, hang glider pilot, and caver, and possesses an enthusiastic willingness to explore and document any location. Patrick has lived in Cairns, Australia; London, England; Florence, Italy, and several states across America. He is currently based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

A quick disclaimer: Throughout the interview with Patrick I kept referring to Planet Earth 2 instead of Blue Planet 2 which Patrick’s footage is actually part of.


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