Jake's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/masterwildlifefilmmaking
Jake's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jakewillers/
Jake's Website: https://www.jakewillers.com/
Jake Willers is a TV presenter, Award Winning Filmmaker and Host of the Master Wildlife Filmmaking Podcast. He has traveled to 38 countries and filmed in some of the most inhospitable places on earth.
Having grown up on a wildlife park that he managed for many years, Jake gained a wealth of experience and a passion for the natural world, which he now injects into his filmmaking.
Jake shows have enjoyed success in over 147 countries and been translated into 25 languages, working with channels including National Geographic Channel International, Nat Geo Wild, Animal Planet and Channel FIVE, UK.
In 2007 Jake moved from Cambridge, England to the US and formed NineCaribou Productions a production company dedicated to expanding people's knowledge of wildlife and the world around us.
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