Hosted by Jake Willers, Nat Geo Wild TV presenter, award winning filmmaker and founder of Master Wildlife Filmmaking


$1 for a 7 day trial so you can take advantage of the first week to see if you like it and cancel if you don't.


Learn How To

Avoid overwhelm and stay focused on your production using the 6x3 framework

Learn How To

Utilize image sequences to tell your story in a visually compelling way


The 3 PDF tools Jake uses emailed directly to you

Join MWF Mentoring for just $1

It's a no-brainer with the $1 for a 7 day trial price you can take advantage of the first week to see if you like it and cancel if you don't.

Don't Let Your Destiny Fade Away

This is your opportunity to be guided by someone who has already achieved immense success in the Wildlife Filmmaking industry.

Knowing when to take that next step, when to move to the next level can be extremely difficult. I remember when I decided I would put this mentoring program together I got stuck in the process. Stuck trying to wade through everything I needed to do to create an online program that in its essence is a pretty simple idea.

But taking action, pulling the trigger so to speak, and actually following through from concept to completion is where so many of us fail.

In that moment of inspiration everything seems so clear, so easy. When you’re out taking a walk in nature or taking a shower and that spark appears in your brain and says “This is it! This is the thing you are destined to do. This is your passion, your journey, your fulfillment.”

You’re so fired up, so inspired that nothing can stand in your way. Your are going to follow your dreams damn it!

Then you start down that obstacle laden path of The Work necessary to actually achieve your goal…and it gets hard. At times, so hard you think of giving up. You think “This isn’t for me.”, “This is too hard.” “Why does it seem so easy for everyone else but me?”

And that right there is The Moment. It’s at that time you have to make the decision to either follow your dreams and be that person you’ve seen in your inspirational moments in the shower, or give it all up and go back to the work, job, career that doesn’t inspire you. That doesn’t hold the key to your destiny. That doesn’t fulfill your dreams.

We have all been there, or are there now, or will be there. It’s human nature to retract from that that seems hard. It’s why so few people actually do follow their dreams and become the person they want to be. Because it’s always a journey filled with obstacles. But that journey is meant to challenge you. It’s meant to draw the best from you. To place you in the Uncomfortable Zone and make you dig deep and utilize your fullest potential,

…And right there is where the magic happens.


Don't just take my word for it. Hear how my members are getting on with the mentoring program and the value they are receiving.


The Heebie-jeebie Zone


When I was first approached about being a TV presenter for National Geographic everything inside me screamed “NO”. How could I possibly be a TV presenter. I spent most of my time in complete seclusion working alone in the winter months at a wildlife park and then rushed off my feet in the summer months with hoards of visitors and wishing to get away from them and be on my own again. I was certainly not what I would call a “People Person” and that’s what I expected TV presenting to be all about.

Yet, in that moment of opportunity I had to decide if I wanted to push myself into the Uncomfortable Zone or, as I like to call it, the Heebie-jeebie Zone.

The Heebie-jeebie Zone is that place where you feel completely out of your depth. Fear, anxiety and feeling like an imposter are all common place in this zone. Trust me, I’ve spent a lot of time there!

The rewards however, are what make the Heebie-jeebie Zone so appealing. In that split second when I had to make a decision about filming a promo for the National Geographic Channel my mind ran the computational tasks that it was built for, weighing the pros and cons against one another.

I took the leap based on these pros and cons:
Pros: Exposure for the wildlife park on international TV, I get to travel the world, the incredible wildlife I’ll get to see and work with, I get paid to do a dream job.

Cons: Look like a complete idiot and feel embarrassed for a while but then life returns to normal.

At that moment it felt foolish not to seize the moment and get uncomfortable. The rewards were just too great to pass up if I were successful.

Well, I can tell you that I stayed in the Heebie-jeebie Zone for quite sometime trying to figure it all out. I had no guide to show me the ropes. All had was my enthusiasm, passion for my subject, and a desire so strong that I knew I had to give it all I had got, heebie-jeebies or not!

Most of the time I felt like an imposter. I soon became touted as an Insect Expert and Wildlife Expert by TV executives. That label wasn’t something I would’ve given myself, but I felt like I had an obligation to live up to it.

As I progressed moving from series to series I surprised myself time and time again with what I had achieved. I couldn’t have imagined those achievements before in the real world. Only in my dreams would I have thought it possible.

And that, right there, is the power of the Heebie-jeebie Zone. You achieve way more in reality than you ever felt possible.

I presented 30 wildlife shows that have achieved success in 147 countries, have been translated into 25 languages and aired on the National Geographic Channel, Nat Geo Wild, Channel FIVE, Animal Planet and more, and then I transitioned to a wildlife filmmaker behind the camera.

During this time I have been sought out by many aspiring presenters and filmmakers looking for advice on how to break into the industry, how to present effectively, how to predict wildlife behavior to get the best shots etc., etc.

And that is where the inspiration to become a mentor came from. I know, only too well, how hard it is to navigate your way through a new industry. To overcome the constant wave of obstacles that present themselves when you embark on your journey.

I have helped numerous filmmakers overcome their fears and challenges and go on to achieve their goals of creating natural history content.

…And I want to do the same for you!

Why MWF Mentoring?

I’ve put together the MWF Mentoring program to help guide you through your specific challenges as either a Wildlife Filmmaker, Presenter or Both.

As part of the mentoring program you will have access to me via the MWF Mentoring Community where you can ask questions and get direct answers in Live Weekly Office Hours. I will also be doing video training sessions for MWF Mentoring members to further help you with commonly asked questions and give you tools and solutions to specific issues.

If you are struggling on your journey to be a filmmaker or presenter, or you are looking to transition from wildlife photography to filmmaking then this is for you.

You don’t have to go it alone and use trial and error as your guide. Trust me, it takes way longer than learning from someone who has already been there and achieved success. Why not take advantage of that while you can?

To make your decision easier I have taken the worry of subscription off your hands and made a No-Brainer deal for you.

Right now you can enroll for the first week for just $1. That’s right $1! And you can cancel at anytime no questions asked. Check out the subscription pricing and details below.

I can't wait to take you to the next level of your journey. Join me inside the MWF Mentoring program and let's get started!

The Making of 'WILDRIDE'

Follow along as Jake Produces, Films and Hosts a short wildlife series called 'WildRide' all from his dual-sport motorcycle. From concept to completion you'll get exclusive access to the entire process as Jake starts with nothing but an idea and creates a 6 part mini-series.

Video Content includes:

The Concept
Vision Posters
The Pitch
Gear & Bike Setup
Sizzle Reel
Animal Behavior
How to Act Around Wildlife
The making of each episode

And so much more behind the scenes footage as well as the first look at the final series!


As well as the awesome bonuses listed that you will receive in your first month with the MWF Mentoring program there will also be added bonuses as we go throughout the year. Stay tuned!

  • Bonus 1 - Feedback On Your Productions ($500 value)
    An assessment of your production by Jake. Send me your short film or production you are working on and I’ll give you valuable feedback you can use to improve your work.
  • Bonus 2 - MWF Best Advice MP3
    Highlights from the Master Wildlife Filmmaking podcast. Professional wildlife filmmakers offer their most important advice to aspiring filmmakers. These clips are taken from the podcast and collated into one MP3 that offers the most valuable advice on the planet when it comes to making wildlife films.
  • Bonus 3 - 1-on-1 Call with Jake (First 100 members ONLY)
    Have a one-on-one 30 minute call with Jake to discuss your filmmaking career, learning, production issues or anything wildlife related. Jake will answer your questions directly.
  • Bonus 4 - Video Film Critiques
    Watch Jake critique other member's films (with their permission of course). Jake offers critical advice to help the filmmaker take their film to the next level by making edits to create a more professional production. In turn, you learn from these feedback sessions helping you to improve your craft also.

Pricing Options - $1 Trial Period

Get my special offer for a limited time. For just $1 you can try out my mentoring program and see if it's for you. Cancel anytime no questions asked.

Normally $37



$1 Trial for 7 days
(then $29 monthly)

LIVE Weekly Office Hours

Private Facebook™ Group

Training Videos

Making of WildRide Series


Cancel Anytime

(Bonuses 1 & 3 not available during trial period)


Normally $444


YEAR (only $22 p/m)

Same As Monthly Just Cheaper!

LIVE Weekly Office Hours

Private Facebook™ Group

Training Videos



Frequently Asked Questions

  • Weekly Live Office Hours
  • Video Trainings
  • The Making of WildRide
  • Downloadable Resources
  • Access to the MWF Community on Facebook™.
  • Plus all the Bonuses listed above!

The $1 trial offer is only available for the first 7 days after which time your credit card will be charged the monthly price of $29 per month.

All bonuses listed are available to full members who pay either on a monthly or annual basis.

Bonuses 1 & 3 however, are not available during the 7 day trial period.

  • Bonus 1 - Feedback On Your Productions ($500 value)
    An assessment of your production by Jake. Send me your short film or production you are working on and I’ll give you valuable feedback you can use to improve your work.
  • Bonus 2 - MWF Advice MP3
    Highlights from the Master Wildlife Filmmaking podcast. Professional wildlife filmmakers offer their most important advice to aspiring filmmakers. These clips are taken from the podcast and collated into one MP3 that offers the most valuable advice on the planet when it comes to making wildlife films.
  • Bonus 3 - 1-on-1 Call with Jake (First 100 members ONLY)
    Have a one-on-one 30 minute call with Jake to discuss your filmmaking career, learning, production issues or anything wildlife related. Jake will answer your questions directly.
  • Bonus 4 - Video Film Critiques
    Watch Jake critique other member's films (with their permission of course). Jake offers critical advice to help the filmmaker take their film to the next level by making edits to create a more professional production. In turn, you learn from these feedback sessions helping you to improve your craft.

50% Complete

Two Step

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